

My Perfect Love
#Writco story challenge
Copyright © 2020. A_adewumi. All Rights Reserved.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, my brows furrowed in confusion.

"You know what I'm saying, Gabby." He sighed, running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"But-but, what about everything we've ac-" He banged his fist on the table, I jolted in fear.

"Lies, Gabby. Those are lies. Do you honestly think I'll be with someone like you?" He scoffed. "Without your money you're just a ugly barren woman."

I felt my lower lip tremble and tears brimming my eyes. "What?"

"You're useless, Gabriella. Utterly useless." He looked at me from the socks I wore to the bun on my head in disdain, his nose scruned up in disgust; directed to me.

"How could you?" I whispered, finding it hard to believe. "I love you."

He scoffed again, looking at the diamond Rolex watch I gifted him on his birthday. I felt something wet roll down my cheek, I didn't need to touch it to know it was tears. "I loved you, Toby!"

He raised his hand, silencing my screams. "I never loved you, Gabby, get that straight. I never loved you."

I felt anger deep in my bones, the tears stopping once and for all as I clenched my fist in anger. "Get out."

He looked shocked,his mouth opened as he blinked. "What do you mean? You're not going to beg me? Unbelievable, Gabby."

"I said, get out! Get out of my house, Toby!" I screamed. My fist pounding his chest in anger, while I stamped my feet. "Get out!"

"We have a child, Gabriella. You're going to let her grow without her father?" He stopped walking, standing in front of the opened door, his hands in his pocket and an arrogant smirk on his face.

"No." I whispered. His smirk widened as he took a step closer to me, stopping when he realised I wasn't done taking. "She will grow with a father. He just won't be you."

Shock written over his face, I pushed him out. Locking the door despite his urgent knocking. I limped to the nursery, my heart felt ripped out of my chest. I stopped by the door, looking at the purple cot in the middle of the room.

I walked closer, looking at the doe blue eyes of my daughter. I smiled weakly, carrying her to my bossom, kissing her small nose before looking into her big blue eyes. "Don't worry, mummy's never letting you feel unwanted."

I looked up, a mirror was opposite the rocking chair I sat on. I looked at the broken image of myself.

Short black hair looking like a poorly taken care of Afro, plain dark brown eyes with red veins by the pupils. Pale pink lips, cracked up and my ashen skin. I ram a hand through my hair, tears falling down my eyes when a patch of my hair fell on the floor.

"Mummy's going to fight this cancer." I whispered, kissing her on her nose once more.
It took two years, two years of chemotherapy, two years of pain, tow years of tears, two years of raising a child while in pain, two years of that until the result was worth it.

Three years cancer free after the two years of chemotherapy resulted in me having the perfect husband I could ever wish for with two more kids; an eight-year-old from the orphanage and the other from a surrogate mother.

I couldn't be happier as my family gathered infront of the camera, a Christmas tree behind them, dressed in unique sweaters.
Ray, my husband, stood in front of our three girls, teasing them about the clouds of their sweaters while they giggled and laughed.

"Don't cry." I didn't realize they had walked over to me until Ray wrapped into his embrace. "You have a family now."

I grinned, crouching down to look into the blue eyes of my daughter, Emily, who looked exactly like her late father who died in a car crash, before looking at the youngest in the house, Roxie, then the eldest from the orphanage, Ally. We planned on having one more from the orphanage, preferably a boy, something about Ray saying; "I need a man."

"We do." I whispered, kissing each other my children's forehead, tucking Ally's blond hair behind her ears, perching Roxie on my hips and rubbing foreheads with Emily.

I looked at Ray, he had aging lines on his forehead but the twinkle in his eyes made up for it. His blond hair looked exactly like Ally's, making it unnoticeable she was adopted. I pecked his plumb lips, sighing and k rested my head on his chest.

He picked up Roxie from my hips to place Ber on her feet as the three girls scrambled to play somewhere in the house.

"You're so perfect." He whispered. Five years ago someone said I wasn't, but now, I knew I was. "I love you so much, Ella."

"I love you too." We sealed it with a kiss.

I don't exactly know what the challenge was all about but I guessed it dealt with love.
So this is my entry, I hope you like it.