

Today's Fiction, Tomorrow's Reality
The biggest mystery is human life itself. How does it start? And one day it will stop!
The whole time span in this Earth will end. No worth-ness ?
Totally a shit!
Whatever we will make through our whole life, we won't watch it anymore. Because life has ended up. Why? Why? Why?
Why the System is like this?
Whare human will go after death? As scientists said our sub-concious mind stays alive even after death, from 10 mins to 1 hr. Where do our beloved people go after death? How we can still feel them! Bunch of questions.

If time travel would be discovered by scientists, then humans can go to different dimensions. They can see the people of different dimensions, and can Level the population on Earth. Humans doesnot even clearly know what the entire Blackhole is! Human can't even know Perfect Age of Earth.

DiscoverY is the only way to get all the answers.
Waiting continued....
© mainak xd