

my friend
I had a friend but she was a dog she was sweet she was loving she loved everything in the world and most of all I loved her we used to play fetch she would always listen to me and whenever I eat dinner she would beg and I would give her some foodand the funny thing is whenever I would go to pet her she would lay down on her belly and I would always scrub her belly she loves the belly scrub and I love whenever she would try to play with me whenever I'm sad or I'm upset or mad she would always go up to me and put her Paul on my leg and she would always wine like she would cry with me it was so cute and so one day I got so mad I just went in my room and screamed my lungs out and I will always remember whenever she you would go and comfort me and one day she got into a fight and that other dog hurt her so bad I had to comfort her and she put her paw on me and I put my hand on her and I said everything's going to be okay but my aunt had to shoot her she didn't survive she had so much pain I got down on my knees whenever I heard that gunshot I cried so hard I went in my room lay down just screamed she was my best and I will never forget that I loved her so much 🥺😢😭❤️💔 so always remember that you will always have someone by your side no matter what like I had my baby girl that was her name baby girl I really did love her but I always told myself on the right side and thought about her I always tell myself no matter what I do I will always have her in my heart she would always be right there in my heart and in my head all day I will always pray for her I would pray every night and I would ask God is she okay up there and I would always hear God say Yes dear she is okay never forget your friend no matter what cuz no matter what you do you will always have a friend by your side no matter if she's with you or she's up in heaven never forget that you have her with you or him whenever they are sad or mad you got to help them like my dog did you can have more friends than just a dog but my dog was very important to me she was my loving caring dog now we'll always remember her I keep her in my heart all day everyday and you should too every person that is up in heaven in your heart forever because those people up in heaven they went for home heaven is everyone's home even my dogs we all need to pray for these people up in heaven down here the coronavirus need to pray that these people are okay even the ones on the streets looking for a home you need to pray for everyone and for everyone I mean everyone she don't pray then how are people going to know that you care about them do us all a favor pray for every person on this planet that they are safe from the coronavirus and everything else in this world that can hurt us thank you so much and please please pray pray everyday pray as much as you can these people need to hear what should you have done to help them in life help them with their kids with the coronavirus do anything you can to help them thank you so much and if you can give these homeless people some money please they really need a home they would do anything to have a home like us so please help them to help anyone💪🙏💝