

Let it be.
Jane was getting fed up with life as she knew it same ole same old all the time. I just don't know what to do she said. Oh yeah you know what you need to do you just don't want your friends to get mad with you.
I stopped because it is what is best for me not because of anything other than that. Jane I didn't like what I was becoming me not you Crystal, Paula or anybody else I didn't like me. I was getting to the place where I was careless with a don't care attitude feeling like a child in school. You got to do this you got to do that this way and that way my way.
Not even caring whether I was sick or what
I had to do be there on time everytime live a certain way like a colt or something.
They were saying things but get mad when I say it like it's not the same thing that they just said. So Jane I had to move on I got tired of being mad all the time mad for nothing.
It's like they wanted to be mad hurt depressed heartbroken abused when all I wanted was get passed it let all my mistry go.
Jane being unliked by whoever is a lifetime thing there's always going to be some that don't like you and you don't like, it's life
But when you start disliking people just because your friends don't like them or you're told to you're in the wrong. That's what this is all about isn't it they want you not to talk to me because you're in with them right?
You want some coffee I asked as we both walked in the house. Walking behind me she said yeah it's not even that they want me to do others things too..like? I ask
I'm your friends we've been friends for a while and I can't tell you what to do but the reason I left was I'm not a child anymore.
I want a good life and I'm not going to dislike someone because I'm told to especially if they didn't do anything to me.
Friends are friends and just because Paula dont like me I wouldn't ask you to not like her. You like Paula she's never done anything to you has she. No, she said so why would I ask you to hate her just because me and Paula dont get alone. But they want me to hate and dislike others because they are and if those people never did anything to me why should I.
Jane we ain't kids in the first grade playing on the playground we're adults grown women. I was doing that because I was part of the group it was all she said she said. I got to thinking about how I was feeling how mad I was getting because of something somebody said so I really started thinking. Talking time was passing fast you staying for lunch I asked I don't have much but we can throw something together.
Whatcha got Jane got up and went to the refrigerator you ain't kidding she said.
The things thats said and done kinda stick with you. Life is a game to some Jane but where I live isn't a game. Some of them tell you that you can't and doing something is wrong when they are doing the very same thing. What I want to know is why is it right good for them but I'm wrong.
Look I just don't fit in everything that I say is always taken offensive so why should I stay where I'm not wanted family, friends are otherwise.
Alright but who is this friend that you hiding she said. We'll talk about him some other time.

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