I Started drinking in my twenties.I used to drink on the weekends after a long week juggling between work and school. I would set my days on when to drink and to do what I have to do. I had a tight schedule. Morning to evening i was at work. Working as a customer service representative in a call center environment.
I would get off work around 4pm and drive to school. My classes would start from 6pm till 9pm.Three cruciating hours.
Weekends were my time to unwind alittle,relax and also do my schoolwork.
Once I graduated, I got a nice job, bought a house and life was fine. The parties started and along the way came a lot of friends too.
This is when I started drinking heavily on weekends and I found myself starting to drink during the week days also.
The partying got worse so did the drinking.
I ended up loosing my job and other things along the way. My life took a sad turn. I got even more deep on the drinking. My health was deteriorating.
Couple years went by.I was drinking heavily. I was a pain to my family and friends. I always needed money to quench my thirst for alcohol.
People would look down on me.Few felt sorry for me.Few made a laughing stock out of me.Few cared to give me few advises that just ended in the air. Few criticized...
I would get off work around 4pm and drive to school. My classes would start from 6pm till 9pm.Three cruciating hours.
Weekends were my time to unwind alittle,relax and also do my schoolwork.
Once I graduated, I got a nice job, bought a house and life was fine. The parties started and along the way came a lot of friends too.
This is when I started drinking heavily on weekends and I found myself starting to drink during the week days also.
The partying got worse so did the drinking.
I ended up loosing my job and other things along the way. My life took a sad turn. I got even more deep on the drinking. My health was deteriorating.
Couple years went by.I was drinking heavily. I was a pain to my family and friends. I always needed money to quench my thirst for alcohol.
People would look down on me.Few felt sorry for me.Few made a laughing stock out of me.Few cared to give me few advises that just ended in the air. Few criticized...