

Blog - 7 "little Story..."
Hii again...

Exam was not upto the mark... Couldn't get enough time to copy... But fine...I'll pass... that's enough for this bitch online exam.

Let me tell you a story for today...
Lina was a little girl in a poor family. She lost her dad when she was Young and her mom did chores in some household to take care of her family.
One day Lina's mom asked her
"What is your biggest dream dear?"

"I just want to dream"


"I always see some beautiful dreams. In few I'm a queen. In few I'm an angel. Those are the moments I enjoy most in my whole day"...
She went silent
"Then... why you went mute?"

"In most of the days.. I can't sleep properly since we rarely sleep with a filled stomach... I wake up in midnight to drink water... After that when I try to sleep... I can only see nightmares.."

Lina's mom was in verge of crying... She went near Lina and hugged her...
Is your stomach full!?
© Vibin Dave