

To the girl I met today
I've come to understand that I need to let go.
I need to let go, of the feelings that I so uselessly hold,
I know, I'm odd, I'm weird.
I've liked you for almost as long as 3 years.
But, the time for that has gone.
The time for this stuff called- love?

To the girl I met today
This is the last poem I'd write for you.
I'm not sure if I should celebrate or shout out "Hooray!"
To the girl I met today.
Don't worry, these feelings will finally go away,
From once again. A fool who thinks you're pretty & cool.

I've come to understand that I need to let go.
I need to let go, of the feelings that I so uselessly hold,
And it's happening, so don't worry
But, if I've ever annoyed you, just know that I'm "sorry".
Thanks for the post-it note you let me borrow
To the girl I loved, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Now my work is nearly done.
This is the last chapter of this poetic story
From a guy who's liked you, for far too long.
If you ever find this, and ever read this,
Know, I didn't write this for any kind of kiss,
Just wanted to let you know, things from my perspective.

If I'm caught, my life is over,
Might as well say "fly high, mysterious poetic author".
But, I'm not a fan of an annoying cliff-hanger.
So once again, this is my last poetic banger,
Your eyes are pretty; your smiles are like jewellery
I've dreamt long enough about the you and me team.
A wish I know will never truly be.
I'd rather these poems are also left on seen,
Like my emotions that had once been.
© Luciano