

The gold chain 💔
Even after knowing my gold chain is broken, its jagged edges scratching my skin, I still chose to keep it intact. Every morning, as I clasped it around my neck, I felt the sting, a familiar reminder of its imperfections. The chain had once shone brightly, a symbol of something beautiful and strong.

Time had taken its toll, though, and the chain now bore signs of wear and tear. It scratched and irritated my skin, but I continued to wear it, clinging to the memories of its original luster. Friends noticed the red marks and asked why I kept it on. “Why not get a new one?” they would suggest, not understanding the depth of my attachment.

One evening, after another long, silent dinner that left me feeling more isolated than ever, I stood in front of the mirror and unclasped the chain. I held it in my hand, feeling its weight. Could I really continue to bear this pain? Was the comfort of familiarity worth the constant hurt?

I placed the chain on my dresser and stared at its dull gleam. Should I keep it, despite the pain it caused, or should I let it go and face the uncertainty of being without it? The scratches on my neck mirrored the emotional scars I carried. Could I find the strength to break free?

As I stood there, I realized that holding on to the chain was not making me happy. The brilliance and joy it once brought were now overshadowed by discomfort and disappointment. I needed to make a choice, for my own well-being.

With a heavy heart, I folded the chain into a small box and tucked it away. The scratches on my neck would heal, and so would the wounds in my heart. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but letting go was the first step toward finding peace and happiness again.

As I closed the box, I felt a sense of relief. The past would always be a part of me, but it was time to embrace a future free from pain. I took a deep breath, ready to start anew, unchained from what had held me back for so long.
© Airaa