

The Jealousy Trap In Writco
In writco there is a girl named A, who is a talented writer on Writco. She write with passion and dedication, captivating her readers with her words. However, her talent attracted the jealousy of a lady named X, who was also a writer but lacked the ability to write as well as A.

X's jealousy turned into hatred, and she began to turn people against A. X would even go to the extent of getting characterless men to harass A, just because A refused to give them her phone number. Despite all this, A remained steadfast in her writing and continued to inspire her readers.

However, the verbal abuse and harassment from X became too much for A to handle. She decided to leave Writco, the app she loved so much. It was a heartbreaking decision, but she felt that she had no other choice.

Comment on my post and send a strong message to "A"

I am writing this message to warn you about your behavior towards writer A on Writco. Your jealousy towards her talent and skills as a writer is not only unbecoming but also highly inappropriate. Your attempts to turn people against her and your verbal abuse towards her are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Moreover, your actions of targeting her with characterless men is absolutely disgraceful and criminal. Such behavior is not only unethical but also illegal and can have serious consequences.

I urge you to immediately stop your harassment and leave A alone

© Anurag Tiwari