

What I did was right?
Today I left home with full joy ..
As I was getting more closer and closer to my dream collage my heart beat started to increase more and more..
I was happy as I was going to take admission in the medical college of which I always used to dream.
In between I also say the hospital which is always crowded with patients.
Soon i stopped in mid way ,I heard a person asking each and everyone out to please donate their kidney to help somebody..
Soon that person too approached me...and asked the same thing ...
I was unsure of what to answer but seeing that needy face of person I couldn't deny him...
So I went with him..the moment I agree to go with him ..his happiness of face just satisfied my heart ...so I too felt happy.
I went with him and after testing doctors said that I can donate my kidney but patient's family have to pay a amount of money for the operation..
As soon as doctor told the amount of money the happiness on the face of that person was completely gone...
I felt bad about it ..I asked him what's he gonna do next ...
He said in very disappointing tone ..
Even if someone want to help my child but god want's my child to die..
I understood that he doesn't had that amount of money...
So he said to me thanks child for Ur willingness to help my child but I don't have enough money for operation so u don't need to donate ...
Then he blessed me and asked me to leave...
So I came out of hospital,but my brain still thinking of that patient and my legs walking towards my dream collage..
As soon as I entered the college the environment was completely different I felt very proud to be here..
The college staff welcome all the students giving a beautiful speech,
"Thanks u children that u decided to be a doctor . u are the future of our nation. U are going to have the most powerful power of saving life of people .As no one has seen god but we say we see god in u all ,as u all are going to give life to someone who's dying ".
These lines motivated and made all of us proud..
Soon the admission process started .
Some brought cash ,some brought check to pay the admission fees of collage ,so I also came with the hard earned cash of my parents...
I completed all the procedure that occur before paying admission fees But when it was time giving the cash for admission I just thought and thought and then got out from there and went where I actually need to be.....

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