

Was there a point in your life that you wanted to stop, quit, and leave everything behind just to disappear to the point of changing and hiding your identity?

I believe reincarnation is undoubtedly what happens. I think we are souls or you could say spirits inside human bodies.

Few years back when I woke up I went into the kitchen to get something to drink and took a caffeine pill as I usually did. Shortly after that, I felt a very sharp pain right in the middle of my chest. I turned around to look at my sister as I opened my mouth and signalled that I needed something to drink as I couldn’t breathe with this unbearable pain.

As all this was happening I was looking toward my room and my vision went out. The way it went has been very clear to me to this day as it is a life-changing moment that I will never forget. All of my vision that I could see started to zoom out into a dark black tunnel, Then when it got to almost a millimetre in diameter it just burst into this fine horizontal line before all just vanished before me. What I felt was that something heavy and cold was evaporating from my physical body; I would...