

Weekends always remind me of those days when I used to hang out with my friends and enjoy life. We used to play or watch movies or sometimes just sit and talk about anything and everything. It felt so surreal and wonderful that I can never describe those into words. They were damn real. What wouldn't I do to get those days back?
Sometimes, we used to eat together, sleep together, have deep conversations or just simply funny ones to tease each other. As we grew up, I wouldn't say that we drifted apart. We didn't, because if anyone of us ever needs the others, they'll be there in a heartbeat. We still love each other the same. But as people say, things aren't permanent. So those fun filled, heart warming days are seldom lived now. We got busy in our lives so much that we don't hang out every time we get a holiday or a weekend. It has reduced a lot. But we'll always be at each other's beck and call. I wish we didn't have so much to do in life. I wish we didn't have so many responsibilities in life. I wish I could go back and freeze the time there. I wish to live those days again and again. They're the most beautiful memories. They make me laugh. They make me cry.
I'm also someone who'd like to spend the weekends alone sometimes, peacefully, maybe at home, curled up with a book or binge watching shows or movies. But I'll always be ready to re-live those days. Every weekend reminds me of those weekends. Every single day reminds me of those days.
Life is different now. But again, this difference is impermanent. It's quite unpredictable!

So, what memories do you have for weekends? Anything special?

Happy weekend! 💝
Thanks for reading. 💞

© thenotebook_01

#weekend #memories #friendship #childhood #Happiness #fun #enjoy #Life&Life #HappyWeekend #writco