

Last Entry Diary
**This story is fictional**

Preface: Read the last diary entry of a lady who wrote this minutes before she faced death.

Dear Diary,

Just like any other day, I went out for a run in the morning. After coming back home, I was greeted at the door by my dog, Spots. I went in the house and had breakfast, making some food for Spots too. My morning had started out well, so I was feeling quite happy, but what happens next, I would never have expected. Creeping up behind me, a tall, dark shadow grabbed me by the arms and covered my head with a bag. Before I could even scream for help, something hit my head and I got knocked unconscious. The next thing I knew, I woke up in a room that was so dark, it took me a while to adjust to the lighting. I looked around, but I didn't see anything in the room. Trying to get up, I realized that my arms and legs had gone numb, and I looked down to see them tied up together so that I couldn't get out. Hours passed by, or maybe more, I lost track of time, and that drove me crazy. People don't acknowledge the importance of time enough. Not knowing the time, not knowing where I am, not knowing what the people out there are doing, forgetting the feeling of sunshine, the summer breeze, snow, and everything else, can be really scary. Wondering if people have noticed that I'm gone by now, and when/if they will find me, I lay on the floor, not being able to do anything. Surely, by now, days have passed, and I'm feeling thirsty and starved. Not being able to see anyone, or do much to pass time, I started talking to myself, acting like other people were in the room, like I wasn't trapped in this square box, alone.
One day, when I was doing my usual routine of talking to myself, I noticed this tiny crack in the wall. Crawling to the crack, I saw a small camera. That made me go mad, and I started shouting at the camera. Telling them to let me out, to take me back home. Of course, no one listened to me, and I felt more alone than ever.
Then, one day, when I was feeling so exhausted that I couldn't even do my routines, a man in dark clothing opened the door and walked in. Too tired to show any reaction to the man, I let him take me out of the room. The man spoke. It took me a while to figure out what he was saying because I wasn't used to hearing words from another being.
He said, "Alright, listen to me. You are going to die, but before you do, I will let you write a diary entry. Better watch what you say."
And I did as he said....