

A stranger to hold my hand
I was watching a movie called Last Christmas, at first I really didn't like the main female character, a total mess with no clear goal or a stable plan. Suddenly a man comes out from nowhere to shows up in her life, He didn't give her any fancy things nor took her amazing places he just hang out with her and shows her all along the way things she never noticed, he was directing her attention to spots she usually wouldn't pay attention to, as if he wanted to teach her how to enjoy little things and forget about the life picturing she draw to drown into it later. They always meet by chance, there is no prior plan, no phone calls, no virtual chats only real meetings where souls speak instead of mouths.
I just figured out how much I needed to meet a person like him, I wanted to live such a story full of purity to recover and heal what was still hammering my lifeless soul. But the ending was quite different, the man never existed, he was the giver of the heart that she has, all the moments she thought she used to live with him weren’t true but in a way or another they were really shared with him. as if her heart decided to launch the healing process, because it was the only one capable of understanding her and making the effort to save her from the mess.
My dream of running into such a person in my life was crushed by the fact that I was the only one capable of holding my hand while seeking help, it turns out that I was the stranger l'am looking for. So I undurstand that as I drew the big picture to trace the map, I can also add some break points to enjoy the little things, because life is all about those little things.
© stretched mind