

Knowing a stranger
Since I wont talk too much ,let me get straight to the point .I'm Eva .20yrs old.I'm from an average family.But rich attitude .I know you're confused.I actually mean it poimting my parents.They are cool.But I know they are really hardworking for us.They always let me to have everything I like.Even though I was playing with them,they used to get me each and every stuffs I needed.I also think about why they're letting me to do everything.You know...I cant resist these gifts my parent giving me.You'll think that I'm a weirdo.But its just a point of confusion what we should do.Oh I forget to introduce my brother.He is just 14 but a completely jerk and fool and I would say every word I could let out from my mouth against him.He like an enemy 😈.He always used to tease me and maje me mad all the time.He just tell my parents opposite of whatever I do .so thats it.Now you know a' piece of cake ' of what I am.Its true I'm crazy and love to make friends.Also I have 4 besties and only one boy who know me well.
we all know that life is not the same always.By now you could have understood that something happened in my life too.
So I'm opening up..
ready to listen?