

In shadows deep where city's whispers hum,
A tale unfolds of hearts entwined, succumb.
Mafia's gaze, a dangerous obsession,
In the labyrinth, love meets dark confession.

Beneath the neon glow, a city's heartbeat,
A don's desire, a clandestine feat.
His eyes, a tempest, a storm untamed,
In passion's dance, the underworld proclaimed.

A girl, a flower in the darkened night,
Caught in webs where shadows intertwine.
Her innocence, a canvas for desire,
In the mafia's heart, a relentless fire.

A scripted fate in the criminal script,
As vows are broken, and the shadows crypt.
A twisted waltz of coercion's art,
In the maze of crime, love plays its part.

Against her will, a forced matrimony,
In the underworld's grip, a tragic symphony.
Yet, in the chaos of the mafia's obsession,
Love blooms, a dark and daring confession.

The lover's silhouette in alleyways,
A clandestine affair, a secret maze.
Vendettas rise, a storm on the horizon,
In love and crime, a tale is woven.

Families weep, the city holds its breath,
As love and darkness dance their final duet.
In the echoes of the underworld's confession,
A poem written in the mafia's obsession.
© Folkland