

Linda : The Beautiful Butterfly ( S2 ) ( Chapter 4 )

CHAPTER 4 : The Village across the Valley

Jane said , " I know a place where we can stay for a while . It's not very far from here . It's kind if my village . "

" Well , how do you know where it is and how far it is ? " , asked the commander of the Atlantean Spaceship .

Jane replied , " I know this shore . I used to come here before Thor met me and all this happened . "

Frigga told everyone not to waste time and continue in the journey , as they had bigger things to deal with . Everyone agreed and started walking behind Jane . The commander and the other soldiers stayed back to collect all the important parts and information in the ship as it was badly damaged and couldn't be repaired without experts . The World Serpent took some soldiers to Atlantis to ask for help .

Meanwhile , Jane was taking others to her village .
" Oh ! This is disgusting , walk for like kilometers and find nothing to eat , nothing to drink ! " , exclaimed Loki .

Frigga told Loki not to panic and just walk .
After walking for a long time , taking rests , they could  see mountains and river streams , where they could  stop for drinking water .

After half an hour , they continued to walk . They found  a valley good enough to go through the mountains to the other side , where the village . Finally , when they crossed the valley,  they signaled the villagers to come and get them . They came with boats , many in no. and took them to the village .

It seemed to be a festival going on in the village . Linda asked , " What is going on here,  Jane . Seems like they are celebrating . " Jane replied , " Yes , it's the season of rain . But , this time , it didn't rain . Everytime , on this day , it rains and we celebrate the coming of rain , as it's important for the harvest . "

" Wow , these seem to be very nice people.", said Linda .

Jane - For sure .

Sif - Jane , this place is so beautiful . It's so familiar . It reminds me of Valhalla .

Frigga - This is the Valhalla of Midgard . Sif , these people are descendents of people who belonged to Asgard , which was on Midgard during the ragnarok of Odin's time . It got destroyed due to a war with the frost giants . The people who remained , many of them went to Asgard , some stayed here because they had relationships with the women and couldn't resist them , some stayed who loved this place .

Jane - My Queen , you can see the ruins there ?, quite far .

Frigga - I know what you are going to talk about.

Loki - Yeah , that I destroyed it . And your father and mother escaped with some people and stayed here .

Jane - I am really  wishing to kick your face right now . But , I would like to do it when it would be perfect to me .

Loki - Wow , ( whispering ) These pathetic people .

Sif - Jane , I would like to see the runes if you would allow .

The Warriors Three - Yes , we too !

Jane - Ah... Alright ! Come with me .

To be continued.......

© Chayan Behera