

Heal the Mind
Have you ever felt trapped inside your own mind? Has it ever occured to you that your own thoughts may turn out to be your worst enemy?

The human mind is like a bottomless pit. One can start digging but will never know what lies at the end. One must be wary of diving into the deep abyss of the mind.; for it often results in restlessness and chaos.

We often fail to realize that thinking and overthinking are not the same. Everything has an edge, a margin and that includes our thought processes as well. the gates to he open as soon as we cross thay boundary. overthinking is the root cause of all insecurities, anxiety and other negative feelings. The power of overthinking is such that it turns even the happiest thought into sad and unbearable when we keep pondering upon it for long.

An effective way to avoid overthinking is to keep our minds occupied. It is rightly said that 'An idle mind is a devil's workshop'. When our minds are occupied with something or the other, we can easily get past any negative thought that might wander near our mind.

Considering our present scenerio, where chaos, death and fear is looming over everyone's head, our mental state is far from normal. The disruption of our regular routine has further made our minds more vulnerable to negativities. staying at homes does not necessarily have to mean staying idle. There are a plenty of things that we can do that we otherwise couldn't fit in our everyday routine.

This quarantine period can actually be an opportunity to make up for lost time, catch up on an old hobby, mend troubled relationships, read a good book, adopt a healthy lifestyle and plenty of activities
that we could not dedicate our time to in our busy lives. Time is all we have and time is what we need.

- rpg