

The girl that couldn't speak.
Once upon a time there lived a girl named Annabelle she couldn't speak she was borned like that. Her mother Jana wanted her to talk so she went to the doctor they said they could not help her so Jana took the matters into hands and she teached Annabelle sign language so Annabelle could talk through sign language . It worked she could speak through sign language tears came from Jana eyes because her daughter can talk although the doctors say she wouldn't. Annabelle turned 10 she still couldn't speak through her mouth but sign language but she didn't make that stop her she became an beautiful dancer she could hear the music but cannot talk so it was hard to get a class to teach her but she found a studio called dancer academy and they took her in. When she got older she competed in competitions and won a lot of medals so she said through sign language that is her dream in front of her so she continued and continued until she was 67 she stop. So don't let anyone tell you cannot you can do it with or without help.