

Cost of Freedom
One man,was working in the Middle East.
He is father of two daughters.
His work was hard, people around him were harsh.
He continued working despite all the odds.
His motivation that kept him afloat during these hardships were his daughters.
He had dreamt of marrying them to boys from well to do families.

But life had different plans for them.
The younger girl was so naïve.
Younger girl fell in love with a taxi driver.
Younger girl actually fell in love with the taxi driver who used to drop her at the school daily.
The taxi driver was a school dropout ,but handsome.
Later both of them married at a local small place of worship.

This marriage news, spread like wildfire.
The man who dreamt of dressing as a father king to the daughter queen got disappointed.

Father of 2 daughters,filed his resignation, immediately at the company.
Then quick he reached his village.
He didn't speak with his wife.
He even didn't ask openion of his yelder daughter while fixing her marriage with a village deweller.

And after marriying off yelder daughter, This man started drinking alcohol daily.

In 5 years time this father died.
His wife went y stay with her brothers.
elder daughter's husband went to middle East for job, but he never came back.

This is the scene, after 5th anniversary of elder sister.

Why are you seducing my husband? Leave him else I will call police. Put on your clothes.

No, Ask him to give the love that he gives you. Else I will walk nude on roads ... Because of you ...our father got me married to a drunkard.

Please leave my home, you whore. said younger sister

Elder sis picks a knife slits her wrist and jumps from the balcony.

There on ground lies , elder sis in pool of blood.
People gather around her nacked body.

.... THE END....