

The letter carried brief instructions: 'Meet me at the corner of the street...', it read. But who was it from?
The handwriting was an unfamiliar scrawl that was barely legible.

"Meet me at the corner of the street near Allan's Park at 8 pm. Ill be in the park Come alone." it read. She folded the letter and stuffed it in the pocket of her skintight capris unsure if she should go or not. Her curiosity was piqued and she had to know who the anonymous writer was.

She snuck out of the house at 7.30 p.m. and headed to Allan's Park as instructed. She was at the park at 8 sharp. Not a soul was in sight. The area was dimly lit and she could hardly see.

A man clad in black grabbed her and put a cloth over her head. One hand grasped her and the other clamped firmly over her mouth.

"One scream and you're dead," he whispered as he dragged her away.

Muffled sounds escaped her throat as she struggled. His hold was overpowering.

She heard a van door slide open and she was shoved in. She fell on the floor of the van as it screeched on the gravel ready to drive off.

They drove for a while through winding roads. The sounds of traffic had long been silenced. The van braked to a sudden halt. The door was slid open and someone pulled her out.

"Here is the woman," a low voice announced. "Now give us what you promised."

Another man grabbed her while the kidnappers walked away. She heard the van drive off.

The black cloth was pulled off her head and she saw bright, festive lights and a banner.

"Laura, will you marry me?"

Matt stepped forward and went down on one knee.

"Sorry about the staged kidnapping. I wanted something dramatic which wouldn't raise any suspicions," he blushed. "Will you marry me?"

He slid a diamond ring on her finger.

"I hate what you did but...," she trailed as she looked at the ring on her finger.

#WritcoStoryChallenge #writcochallange #writcowriter