

My True Self Episode 7😉😁
Next Morning, I woke up by 1:00pm, went to shower, brush and dress up, I dressed up in a black trouser and red shirt and a white canvas and I applied a light makeup and inserted my phone into my bag and hung it and I left for the island, I boarded a cab and left, I got there but Charlie was not there, I was feeling cold and I started shaking and shivering, I was just sitting on a rock close to the water patiently waiting, I felt something on my body, it was a jacket, I looked up and saw that it was Charlie, I did not even talk to him, he was asking me how I was but I still did not answer him, he then knelt down and said that he was sorry for coming late, I didn't like as he was on his knees, I held his shoulder and kissed him, I then told him never to knee down bcos of me, he stood up and carried me on his back and took me to the beach side, he set the beach chair, I sat on it and he just said something that sounds so stupid to me, it was "Frankie, I want to marry you" I opened my eyes and looked at him in shock, after so many things, we went to the beach(water) to play, we played water splash and so many other games, it was so fun, later he gave me two big boxes. He drove me home, when I got home, it was around 7pm, everyone was sitted at the parlor, Gernine and Crisptison said in unison, "where are u coming from?" I paused with my head bent low, I turned and said " I just went strolling" Crisptison came forward and touched my cloth, and asked why my clothes are wet, u couldn't lie again, u dragged her to my room and confessed everything to her.

Later, we had our dinner, I went to my bedroom, I opened the boxes, one of them contains dresses and the other contains jewelries and make up kits, I snapped them and posted it in social media and tagged it #from my lovely boyfriend #, I then showered and returned to bed.

A month later, we returned back to school and we wrote our final year exams and we both went to same universities, actually, we got married but my joy didn't last for long, I got pregnant for him and gave birth to a girl which we named Marylene. We travelled to our home town, on our way back home, we had an accident, we were rushed to the hospital but Charlie couldn't survive, he lost a lot of blood and died, we lived in sorrow but we didn't suffer, I vowed never to involve myself in any love life again or get married again, I trained Marylene and she finished her school and became an Astronaut.

© Sparklës