

Good hunting.
There are good days.
But then there are bad nights.

Nights where you become aware you're being watched. But also uniquely aware that the thing that's watching is waiting for you to show any signs that you know you are being watched before it pounces upon you.

Play it cool, don't shake. Make another cup of coffee, stir it slow... not too slow. Maybe even narrate your actions... Normal people do that right?

You're normal.
I'm normal.

I'd like to say I'm a good actor.
I'd also like to say that I successfully evade the being who could possibly be killing me every night only to revive me and watch as I awaken none the wiser of the tortures death that befalls me each night.

I'm a glass half full type of person.
In any case, I hope play it off.

© Artemis' Arrow