

Novel: Heartbreak
They sat under the large tree together, the soft wind rustling the leaves above them. She glanced over at Chay, he was looking at her with an adoring smile. She turned away again, the sunset reflected off of her hair and eyes. “You know… I” began Chay, his head tilted up towards the brightly colored sky above. He closed his eyes.
“I’ve always hid something from you Aurra.” There was a moment of peaceful silence. She turned to him, he still wasn’t facing her. “What do you mean?” she asked. She feared those words from him. He took a deep breath, scared to ruin this perfect moment.
He looked to the ground.
“I don’t know how to say…the words…Aurra.”
She looked at him, her heart was pounding. She knew what was coming.
“Aurra, I like you.” He said. She looked at him, she could tell this was genuine. She knew for a while.
“We are good friends.” She mumbled, her voice trembling, wincing at those words.
“No Aurra, I… I mean I really like you…”
She looked up to the sky. Her heart ached in her chest.
“I really...