

Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Revival by Stephen King:

He unlocked a door and led me through an office that was empty of furniture, although I could still see square clean patches on the grimy linoleum, where the legs of a desk had once stood. On the wall was a curling calendar with April 1989 showing.

"What are the facts of the case?" I asked as I put on the stretchy gloves

Jona replied "The body was found in a different place than it fell"

I studied the crime scene "How do you know?"

Jona sighed in annoyance "look here, where is your brother? he should be the one handling this case, not a newbie"

I glared at him and snapped "Well he's not here is he? He gave me this case. I'm in charge and it will do you well to remember that" I scowled "now answer my question"

He didn't look happy but he complied "The shot was fired through the window, from witnesses that happened around five-thirty. Mr Murray follows a strict schedule and his secretary confirmed that at this time he is usually talking to his wife on the phone"

He pointed at a spot by the window, there were two deep impressions in the carpet. It was shoe prints.

I sighed "where was the body found?"

"Near the door"

"So, Mr Murray either decided not to go with his schedule or...someone moved him"

Jona nodded "That is likely, there is no sign of forced entry, so the culprit must be familiar with the victim"

"Lemme see" I held my chin in thought and squinted my eyes at the crime scene. "Have you checked the bullets?"

"Yes, the kind of gun used is so common that to find the shooter will be like...looking for a black button in a pile of black buttons"

I walked around the window when something crunched under my feet, a bent and picked it up. It was a bullet case.

I frowned "Have you taken the bullet case?"

"Yup it's with the evidence, why?"

"How many bullet holes are in the victim?"

"Just one, straight through the heart, again why?"

I turned around and held up the case for him to see "It seems another shot was fired"

"How come? the secretary said she heard one gunshot"

"Maybe she was lying..."

He picked up his walkie talkie "let's call her in for questioning"

"...or maybe she was telling the truth"

his hands fell "how could she have heard one if there were two shots fired?"

I looked at him and scoffed in my mind. And he called me a newbie. "A silencer could have been used for the first shot"

"And the second?"

I pointed at the hole in the window "It went through there"

"So...you're saying he was shot by the door, then the silencer was removed and the killer shot the window to make it seem like there was one shot that came from outside?"


"Wow that makes sense, so the killer is definitely familiar with the victim because there are zero signs of struggle"

"Get me forensic reports now"

"Roger that" then he left

I thought to myself the secretary didn't see anyone leave when she returned from her lunch break neither did the security cameras caught no movement. The room was designed old and archaic. My eyes widened, and such places often have secret rooms which means...The murderer is still here
#murder #crime #detective
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