

I try to be a good girl
As weekends passed by, i said' hey stop, i am coming with you too', but just before i was to board the train called 'weekend ', momma grabbed me from behind and shoot me her oh-so-famous glare. Which got me dragged away from my daydream. Wait,don't expect a six year old to daydream about any se*y hot male. duh.Anyway, momma said, more like ordered me to go change and freshen myself, cause we need to meet our not-too long relative.
After a ride of ten min, we reached our destination.


After settling ourselves on the tiger patterned couch, the lady of the house served us snacks with orange juice for momma and chocolate shake for me with handful of extra chocolates for me.

Then the elders started on with their chit chat with me being bored and
irritated. Then a while later the lady suggested that we meet her neighbour-yeah very thoughtful of them,because there is a sick women also their daughter is my momma's collegemate.And then we left their house and went to the neighbours.

After letting us in, my mum and the relative went to the room of the sick lady. Leaving me in the living room, correction-me wandering in the living room.As i was looking through the painting of a colourful picture on the wall, my gaze suddenly drifted to a chestnut painted small square table. But the thing caught my eyes were the phone put above it.

Wait. Isn't that my mother's?
'Ah.. how could she be so irresponsible?', thought my small innerself.
Me being me,thought to be a 'good girl' for once, and pocketed the phone in my flower shorts.
After re-entering the relative's house, my pocket started vibrating. Startled, i hastily picked and handed it over to momma whose now busy in her world of gossip about a girl with a tattoos on her face and where not. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow questioningly.

"Don't you always say help others? And so i did", i told her with pride wholely erupted in me.

"where did you get that?", she demanded.

"from that house we now came from"

"Oh my God, she's gonna think i raised a theif than a perfect daughter."
Her whole face now drained of any colour with a tablespoon of panic in it.
oh no. This is not good.
"Is it not your phone?"i asked innocently.But got a glare as a response.
Later momma handed her the phone i 'stole'-as she put it;to the respected owner, with a lots of apologies and' my daughter ain't like this'. Well Duh.

So much for being a good daughter, i thought and exhaled an exaggerated sigh.
Fun fact:i know its cringy
i know your nose is wrinkled.
But let's face it.*a lone tear escapes*
Truth be told,i really dont know which category this is held. I thought for going humour, but i didnt find it hilarious *sigh*.

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