

🐼🐰🦊Despicable Animals🐨🐵🐺
My team sat in the back of an old cable truck van waiting for orders. All of us were dressed in black with black boots to match. We were going on our 8th heist and things couldn't be more perfect. Alright we're almost to the bank. You heard the game plan now masks on. We all put our masks on. Each one from the animal kingdom. Mine was the monkey in Asian culture; it represents intelligence, agility, and playful nature. All of our masks represent our inner nature. Our driver pulled up to the curb outside the bank. We all rolled out a team of 6. Like jumping out of an airplane we got out one by one and grabbed our Ar-15s as we walked in the bank. We did not waste time. Everybody did their job and did it well. A few minutes went by and one of our guys checked his watch. 2 minutes ladies, let's roll! Half the team was getting the money, the others were making sure hostages stayed where they needed to stay and the last guy was on watch at the front door making sure no panic buttons were pressed and no one was coming in or out. 30 seconds left time to roll! We heard it on the radio. We all ran to the back door and jumped in the van and drove off. We were supposed to go to the warehouse. But Instead we took a detour and went under a highway passing. We were all talking and laughing the whole drive over. The second we got under the highway They all looked at me with their masks still on, Everyone was silent. One of the guys whispered in a Stern voice. Do it now.. the 2 closest to the back van doors opened it and kicked me out. Then they got out and chloroformed me. I woke up to them burying me alive. My military training said don't scream, you'll only waste your breath. I heard them packing me under the ground. All I felt was betrayal and cold. I wasn't even bothered that I was slowly dying underground where my friends are splitting my share amongst themselves. I layed in the box in the dark thinking of how to get out of this. My brother was at the house not too far by. I put an emergency tracker in his phone for times like this. I slipped my boot off my right foot and fed the little life alert looking tracker up the coffin I was in and into my hands. I thought they probably did a sloppy job packing so maybe just maybe a signal can reach him. I pressed the button, A red flashing light lit up where I was and I waited. He too was in the military and knew what to look for and was always on alert. He got the signal. went to my location and didn't see anything. All he saw was fresh dirt sloppily packed. He thought the worst. Went to his work truck, looked for a shovel and grabbed one out the back. He started digging hard till it was about 10:30 pm he finally hit a box. I passed out from lack of air. He saw the red light through the poor nail job of the coffin. Adam is that you? No response. He viciously tore the coffin open to find me laying there turning blue. He gave my CPR and I woke up coughing and gasping for air. Thank you brother! No problem! What did you get yourself into this time Adam? You don't wanna know? I think you owe me a story, little brother. He helped me into his work truck. We turned the radio on low volume as I told him everything that happened to me. Revenge is on my mind mike. I don't know how to be any more clear about it. You do what you have to do Adam but after this no more ok? I understand thanks for getting it. Yeah I've been young and dumb too. What is your plan? I just looked at my older brother and smiled like I just sold my soul to the devil himself. This calls for an Organic Revenge to be brought to them. I don't need a plan or blueprint for this one. For my heart is black and the word betrayed doesn't even cover what this feeling is like in my bones. I fear I have become blood drunk

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