🐼🐰🦊Despicable Animals🐨🐵🐺
My team sat in the back of an old cable truck van waiting for orders. All of us were dressed in black with black boots to match. We were going on our 8th heist and things couldn't be more perfect. Alright we're almost to the bank. You heard the game plan now masks on. We all put our masks on. Each one from the animal kingdom. Mine was the monkey in Asian culture; it represents intelligence, agility, and playful nature. All of our masks represent our inner nature. Our driver pulled up to the curb outside the bank. We all rolled out a team of 6. Like jumping out of an airplane we got out one by one and grabbed our Ar-15s as we walked in the bank. We did not waste time. Everybody did their job and did it well. A few minutes went by and one of our guys checked his watch. 2 minutes ladies, let's roll! Half the team was getting the money, the others were making sure hostages stayed where they needed to stay and the last guy was on watch at...