

Tears In My Past
You look at him
And all your thoughts
go to why?
Then you leave and get
out the car. And walk in
the hotel to your penthouse
suite. And you go there
And pore yourself a drink
because this night went all
The women killed the man
because he kept disregarding
her feeling and people were
treating her bad. And this was
not how she wanted any of
it but this is how it went.
Now he was sleep for
most of the day an this made
her think what is up with him.
but she tried to love him
And her heart broke at the words
others would say about her and him.
And it tore her to her fine core.
She became depressed and ate
most days. But then something
else happened. When she got food
from a delicious delivery service.
The people in the area would hound
her so much about her lover. That
the workers would listen to the lies
of the apt. goers and make her food late disrespect her by saying they could make her wait and that she has no
money. They even put people on her
mail to steal. They call all the places she shops at and told them to disrespect and make her life bad for some old fool. which does not like
anybody's at all And they just all
gang up on one person and that is
what gets me depressed so I killed
the guy and left him in the box
on that moving van that was rented
for the weekend. But it did not solve
my problems I was still going to have
To move away from the pain which all
of the haters and harrasses caused.
So one by one I tracked the bad people and they ran there mouths at me and I got my gun and start shooting them in there mouths
And then that town was. empty.
And I cleaned house but like my
mother used to say if you don't
have anything go to say about some
one don't say anything at all
right. Well this people did not care
And ran there mouths anyway
And now who would not want
To off each one for all the trouble
Which they have caused. But that trouble keep coming back until
you kill it right. So that's what she
did and then moved on because
they would believe that they had to bother her everyday about the way
she lived cooked took her meds
walked around her building and so
on. They were a bullet in her side.
That she offed to get away from
there negative. And she gave up
the pent house suite and moved
To another part of town to start
her life over and it was good for her
And for the last 7 years was just a bad memories which had to fade away
an tears in her eyes to.
© Mar that