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In a village call Sambie there was a talented boy call Sallieu.
All of his life time spending on his talent many people in the vallage were admired at him but some are not happy about his gifts given to him by God.
Some people were confused about his talent, started mocking and radish his name in the village.
One day he has started creating some things that himself do not know, one night a bargain of man went to his hot and distroy the thing that he has created.
and swilling his face and continue bleeding.
In the morning he begins to create another thing that is super powerful than that other ones. people were confused about this same boy because he is so gifted.
one afternoon the chief work's around the village and he see the wonder of this boy he works towards his side and speak with him the first thing to ask was the boys name the boy respond my name is Sellieu said the boy, the chief ask who are your parents? shouting and screen loudly then the boy respond I have lost my parents long time ago after she has give birth to me, I was living with my uncle then he too has past away.
I was living by myself all alone said the boy, are you Shure you are living alone in this big house the boy respond yes sir.
The chief decided to adopt him, he took him and went home started living a new life.
The chief command to build a company for him, few months ago the company has started producing expensive car's, gets and many thanks.
one day the boy decided to call a meeting of appreciation said Sallieua I AM PROUD OF MY TALENT