

At boot camp...
Weeks passed and we started to talk more I wouldn't let myself get comfortable he just wasn't the type man that I usually talk to.
I got the pond before him this time but not to swim thinking about what I wanted to say to him I didn't heard him walking up the path. Why aren't you swimming he asked I didn't come to swim I thought to myself.
It's all yours go ahead dive in. I thought I should explain my answers I don't want you to get the wrong idea or wonder. Yes I was living with a lady we were in love and I asked her to marry me. I have a couple friends that I pal around with but I didn't go out with them because I was committed to her so after work I'd go straight home from work.
Look don't get me wrong I wasn't bored
I was in love with with my lady she was everything to me. Everyday the guys would be bragging about the woman that they were talking to getting with. They showed me pictures that these women were sending them online even meeting them to hotels emails, phone sex. I'm not blaming them things were my decisions noone made me do it. I started talking to this pretty sexy, younger woman. This went on for a while and things started to change at home not with her but me. She knew but she wouldn't say anything. She stayed silent until one night
she asked Samuel who were you making love to because it wasn't me, I didn't say anything.
The woman was calling, emailing, and sending gifts to my job. My lady wouldn't open her mouth about it.
Things started to change we weren't close anymore I put distance between us. One night after dinner we were looking at a movie about the very same thing and I felt so guilty.
We started talking and she just said you broke it.... After that she didn't trust me she wouldn't say anything but I could feel it.
Months later we separated and now she she has a wonderful marriage two beautiful kids the family that should have been mine.
So I took on this job to get back to life.
When women come here it's because some man that they love has told them that they're not good enough for them.
I've heard all sorts of stories and a lost is a lost no matter what. Now I know what it is to lose someone that really loved me. I know what I lost and I'll never be that stupid again.
I was just thinking about me, but it was me Ann and that other woman lives that was changed. See I didn't even really want the other woman I like that she wanted me and allowed her to breakup years of love, trust commitment and happiness in a few minutes.
I know that my story isn't yours but maybe one day you'll tell me yours. I wanted to just hold him.

© "Cloud