

When I Was In School
Growing up we had two sets of encyclopedias. One was a regular set, the other was aimed at kids. That was my Google.

In elementary school we watched filmstrips. The teacher would put a cassette tape in the player and when it dinged s/he would advance the film.

I remember America's bicentennial. I don't remember a whole lot though because I was only 8.

I was 17 months old when Sesame Street first aired in 1969. I was one of the first kids to watch it.

When I was in school if I needed to know something that my parents didn't know I had to go to the public library. If it was open, that is. If it was closed I simply couldn't learn it just then.

The first computer we owned had a generous 16K of memory. Floppy drives were too expensive for our purposes. We saved everything to cassette tape.

We didn't have air conditioning in our car until my parents bought their first minivan in the early 80s. I was in high school then.

The first presidential election I remember was between Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter in 1976.

I was 11 when the Iranians took the American embassy workers hostage in 1979.

My parents got cable when I was 6. The cable box would let you get 42 channels but we didn't actually get that many.

The cable box had 14 buttons and a selector switch. You had to push the right button in and set the selector to the right row to get the channel you wanted to watch.

I was in high school when we got our first TV with a remote, our first VCR, and our first microwave.

AC/DC and Pink Floyd were current groups when I was in high school.

The first modem I remember my father using (I wasn't allowed to use it) had a speed of 4800 baud. That's pretty much like 4.8K.

When I took computer programming my senior year of high school we had to buy a floppy disk from the school for $1.00. It held a whopping (seriously) 90KB.

I bought an NES in 1989 (1990?) shortly after they were introduced in America. I was 21. I still have it and it still works perfectly.

I saw Star Wars in the theater, first run. I was 9.

© Mike Gurak