

The Lost Souls Return - 10
Noah's POV

"The essential parameters are a bit unstable but the patient has improved. I hope she gets out of this" I reply to our head doctor Mr. Wilkins.

"We don't work on hopes junior. I know she is your friend but doctors can't work on emotions. We need facts" Dr.Wilkins said.

"I know" I whisper to myself looking at her sleeping body through the glass window.
Serene, my friend from the piano classes was found drowning in a lake three months ago. She is into coma since then, unconsciously shouting and crying sometimes, but other than that no words come from her mouth.

I tried asking her family if she went through any kind of trauma in the past to which they gave me a weird theory of some soul killing her best friend's family. As a medical doctor, I can't believe that.

Frankly speaking, I want to explore all options if that means to get her back to this world and out of whatever nightmare she is going through. So , I started researching on this Ben's family.

Nothing of much significance has yet touched my hands but I am not going to give up.

"Dr. Noah Windston, you are needed in ward no.21 "
the announcement takes me out of my cycle of thoughts.

_____to be continued _____

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Let me know in the comments section.

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© Frozen Words