

The Haunting Depression
Long are the days
Nights are lonely
Tears are the companion
Suffocation is the reality....

When was the last time all this triggered you?
When was the last time you saw your pillow dry?
When was the last time your eyes smiled not cried?
When was the last time you breathe happily not heavily?

All such questions pop up in the disturbed minds. Why me ? Only me? I have everything, still i m unhappy? The stealthiness in the behavior and shrills in the mind can not grant you the peace your mind yearns for.
Still, just go back. The first memory of your childhood, happiness on your face, the grin!!!
Just remember all the happy moments, all happy things you spent time with. Or why go so much in ancient times.... ha ha ha .
Let's just see ourselves with our loved ones a year back, a few months back. Every memory is a happy one. See your dad sharing some experience you getting bored but still loving it, mom made a vegetable you didn't like still you ate as u love her to the core, friends , family, relative all have given you good memories as well. So now let's just focus on happiness.
Things that bring us smile,
Things that made us comfortable
Loving yourself and above all
Believing in yourself!!!

Depression haunts us. All at some point of time has gone through it. Winners are the ones who come back with a bang. Warriors are the ones who keep fighting back.
Nobody loses, Nobody wins. At the end it's the body which relaxes and the soul is incarnated to a new one.
Keep fighting
Keep being happy
The monster will go mad seeing you happy
Smile by looking at the mirror everyday
Its you only you who has the power to over come and be happy and be out of the haunts of unwanted thoughts.

All the best
Nothing is impossible!!!
© divyasingh