

Yoga helps in healing your mind, body, soul and connects people with nature. By doing yoga every day, our body remains absolutely healthy. But in today's era no one has time for himself. By doing yoga, all the 7 chakras in our body also become active gradually, due to which our body remains less sick, and mentally calm, our behavior also becomes very positive towards others. We start connecting with our nature or our feeling towards others also changes. We begin to understand the love and pain of the symbolized creature. By doing yoga, we start to know ourselves better, we start walking on the path of spirituality, due to which we keep getting better and better every day. Yoga does not give fruit to our life only in the form of body, there are changes in our life even in the form of space. Our difficulties decrease or happiness also increases, we start getting happiness in every way of life. Our thinking, thoughts change completely, in today's era no one has time to give themselves, we just spend our life earning money
that we do not pay attention to ourselves, only our problems, problems, office, home, family, children, the whole day remains entangled in all these, before going home After that there is not even that much time left to talk to the family, our parents, and our life goes on like this every day routine. If we give a little time to ourselves and do yoga, then our life's long-term solution is very quick and we remain free from mental and physical challenges. By doing yoga daily, 90% of the diseases occurring in our body are eradicated and we are able to enjoy our life to the fullest… We are never troubled by problems like fatigue, weakness etc. Our body becomes so strong that diseases don't even touch you. You can do yoga after waking up or even an hour before going to sleep in the night. By doing yoga, our body,mind and soul come in an alignment which makes our aura strong , pure and connects us to the universe and then we slowly start getting enlightenment... mind calm thoughts words
We are giving information about 10 benefits of yoga practice. overall health weight loss anxiety relief inner peace improve immunity living more mindfully improve relations increase in energy Better body flexibility and posture better intuition
When you are completely healthy then you are not only physically but also mentally and emotionally healthy. Gurudev Sri Sri Bhole Shankar Ji says, "Health does not mean the absence of disease. It is the dynamism of life that tells how full of joy, love and energy you are." Yoga teaches us the method of sitting, pranayama and meditation jointly. Those who practice regularly get innumerable benefits.
health benefits
mental strength
physical strength
protect the body from wear and tear
purification of the body
Surya namashkar and kapalbhati pranayama along with yoga bring reduction in body weight. Apart from this, practicing yoga regularly gives us so much understanding that what kind of food should we eat and when? Apart from this, it helps in controlling weight.
A few minutes of yoga throughout the day gives relief from the worries of the day. Not only physical but also mental concerns. Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation are effective ways to relieve stress. You can experience how yoga frees the body from stress and harmful substances
We all like to visit peaceful, beautiful and natural places. We can experience this small holiday at any time of the day when we feel that this peace is within us. This short break with yoga and meditation is the best way to calm your anxious mind.
We are jointly made up of body, mind and soul. Any irregularity in the body affects the mind. Disappointment and fatigue in the mind are the cause of disease in the body. Yogasanas keep the organs in normal position and give strength to the muscles. Pranayama and meditation relieve stress and improve immunity.
The mind jerks jointly in past and future but never in the present. In general, awareness in the state of mind frees us from tension. Increases work capacity by giving peace to the mind. Yoga and Pranayama bring the mind to the present moment, we are happy and focused towards the goal.
Through yoga, your relations with your soulmates improve. A mind that is worry-free, happy and content, handles relationships well. Yoga and meditation give happiness and peace to the mind. Provides the ability to make beautiful relations with the relatives.
Do you feel completely exhausted at the end of the day? One gets completely tired while doing many tasks throughout the day. A few minutes of yoga each day will keep you fresh and full of energy throughout the day. 10 minute online guided meditations to keep you fresh and energized through even the busiest of days.
All you have to do is incorporate yoga into your regular routine to stay strong, supple and flexible. Regular yoga practice strengthens your body and strengthens the muscles. It improves the sitting, standing etc. position of the body. It improves wrong way of getting up and sitting. Provides relief from physical pain. Yoga and meditation improve the power of your intuition. By which you get to know what, when, how to do so that you get positive results. It's the worker, you just have to feel it. Therefore, practice yoga continuously. The deeper you practice, the more you get the benefits.
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