

Qiana's Choice
Qiana was her name. She had not bothered how she would be called because it really did not matter. It did not matter that everyone was supposed to respect her. It did not matter that everyone was supposed to bow to her. It did not matter that she had the power.

It did not matter that she was a princess.

That is why she had left the palace and went to live a normal life like a normal person. Her first day out of the palace was verily weird. She went into a small tavern and the first thing she received when stepped in was a dirty cloth to clean the floor. The grumpy lady could not understand why Qiana was so surprised and was delaying in the task.

'What are you waiting for?' she asked with a definite query. 'You are here for the job, aren't you? If you are not sure you can leave.'

'Of course I am,' she lied. 'I can do everything, I clean, um... cook, wash... wash everything. Clothes.'

'In that case, Haze, Rafe, come here.'

Haze and Rafe quickly appeared.

'This is...' the lady introduced Qiana, 'what was your name, again?'

'Erm... Qiana.'

'Oh, Qiana,' Haze got enthusiastic, 'that has to be the name of our Princess.'

'Does it, yeah.'

'So I was saying,' said the lady, 'she will be working with you. You will guide her and teach her the duties.'

'Of course, of course, I got it,' Haze said, taking Qiana's hand. 'Come with me.'

'What about the task I just got?' asked Qiana.

'Don't worry, that's not your job.'

Rafe followed behind them. They entered the room and Haze started to give description of the most magnificent quarter in the tavern. She was not even sharing it with anyone. But for Qiana, that was a different room, the worst she ever walked in. It had floor holes and patches, rough dirty walls and not even a trunk for clothes. There was no bed either.
Qiana adjusted herself to her new room and friend. Haze ended up being her best friend. And Rafe, Hazel's twin brother, got really close to her. He looked at her like he was looking to the gorgeous princesses despite not knowing she was one. He was just attracted to her.

Two months had gone and that meant that Princess Qiana and Prince Neal were soon turning nineteen. And he was going to be the King just then. The Prince was supposed to marry before he was going to be the King. The news was all over the realm.

Cranky way of choosing a bride, but Prince Neal had already decided that Princess Qiana would be the one to choose the bride for him. Haze went mad. She was madly in love with the Prince and her single wish was to marry him.

'Calm, please,' Rafe explained to his sister, 'he was not going to choose you anyways.'

'Do you hear him?' Haze cried towards Qiana. 'He says that my Prince Neal was not going to choose me.'

'He hasn't chosen yet. Who knows?'

'If the Princess does not approve you, Qiana will give you her brother.'

Haze pushed Rafe. His joke was not so appealing. But it made sense, he thought because Qiana seemed to be pondering.

'Don't you think there are enough twins in the world?' Haze raised it up at the thought.

'Why so?' Qiana asked.

'There's me and Rafe, You and your brother, Princess Qiana and my handsome Prince. That's too many pairs.'

'Yeah. Right.'

Haze started to leave the kitchen.

'Where are you going?'

'I have an idea. I am going to buy ornaments and the most beautiful dress. I have to look like a princess and impress Prince Neal.'

'When you return empty handed, I will placate you,' said Rafe.

'I don't think so. I will buy everything with my savings.'

'You don't have to do that,' Qiana said, 'be your real self. Prince Neal has to love you.'

'You don't understand. It is not about being confident. He can't love me in these rags. And specifically not Princess Qiana.'

'He won't love you in those rags. He will love you. You obviously has not figured out what you are, Haze. You are solid. If you ask me, you are the most wonderful girl I have ever met.'

The next day, a carriage came to pick Qiana. Qiana made them believe that every girl who wanted to marry Prince Neal was being picked up at their homes to the palace. Qiana and Haze hopped in. Haze had not thought of anything but Rafe had not liked the idea that the girl he liked was going to give it a chance in marrying the Prince.

Qiana met a lot of girls. Most of them were fake to her, pretending royalty. She talked to some of them in less than ten seconds before rejection. One girl had actually impressed her. She also looked at Prince Neal at the top whom their likes always met; he smiled at that girl. But she gave in on her, thinking that she would later convince the Prince into marrying two girls.

Qiana found her cousin sister to present herself in front of Haze. Haze was thrilled to be accepted as the would-be-bride of Prince Neal. She wanted to give her best friend the good news exactly at the time.

When Qiana and Haze got back, Haze announced the good news all over the tavern. Rafe hugged and congratulated his sister but he was not friendly with Qiana anymore.

Qiana took a chance when Rafe was alone. She held his hand. Rafe put it off.

'What is it?' he complained.

'You are avoiding me.'

'You are mistaken.'

Qiana held Rafe's both arms and moved much close to him that they could feel each other's breath. Rafe was in the emotion of the closeness.

'Why do you have a problem when I touch you? You don't even look me in the eyes.'

Rafe pushed her off.

'You are deceived. You' re confused.'

'You are angry that I went to the palace. Haze has been choosen so what is there to be irked on?'

'It only means that you wanted to marry Prince Neal if possible. Why not? He's a Prince.'

'Hell no. I was giving Haze company.'

'Just leave me alone.'

'That is not how jealousy is worked out. Don't you trust me? I would never do that with Haze.'

'But you'd do that with me. Because I am stupid. You don't love me-'

Qiana groped Rafe's full lips. They slowly went in for the deep kiss. Qiana put her arms around Rafe. Rafe pulled her off gently. He was in the denial, not sure he could trust her.

The next day the royal carriage came again. Two messengers had gone to give out two vital information. One, the wedding preparations and ceremonies were on so they were to pick up Haze to stay at the palace. Two, it was time now that Princess Qiana should go back to her home, the palace.

All eyes were on Qiana. Was she really the Princess Qiana?

'You must be misinformed. This is Qiana not Princess Qiana.'

Others were not sure but they were not supporting Haze. The royal messengers could not be confused.

'I met Princess Qiana and talked to her. She is someone else.'

'I'm sorry but the one you talked to had to be Prince Neal's cousin sister. The one standing with us here is Princess Qiana.'

'It's true,' said Qiana.

While Rafe understood the whole picture, Haze could not understand what was going on behind the lie. Qiana said to her best friend that they would talk about it. They went out with the messengers.

Rafe ran after them. He was regretting. He had to say sorry. The carriage had took off. He ran after it. Qiana ordered the journey to be stopped. She got down to talk to him. Rafe hugged his Princess tightly. He kept saying sorry. Qiana sat back on her carriage, Rafe looking helpless.

'We will talk,' she told him.