

Status: ‏Drowning ‎— ‏in God's grace and mercy 🌿
there are days in a week when i question my existence.
‏Why am i still here? ‏Why i still have the breath that i am breathing? ‏Why Someone out there gives me a lot of chances to live? ‏A couple of questions in my mind like these just because even i ‎... ‏can't understand the privileges i am still receiving.

‏After a long time, ‏i woke up again asking ‎"what's the reason for waking me up today, ‏Lord?". ‏It's been years when i stopped asking this question but today, ‏i don't know why it popped up again. ‏Actually, ‏i got the answer from a still small voice that whispers ‎"for your purpose". ‏And i decided to finally stand up from the place that i am laying despite ‎...

‏During my quiet time, ‏i was reminded of how God delivered the Israelites from Egyptians and even when they are in the wilderness until they entered the Promised Land. ‏They are rescued a lot of times despite their impatience and grumbling. ‏Then i realized that i am like those Israelites who fussed immediately when the situation in front of me doesn't look good to the point that i forget about how God saved me repeatedly.

‏i am so irritated with the response of the Israelites.
‏i am so mad at the cycle of ‎"sin-repent-sin-repent" ‏that i saw in them.
‏not until i found out, ‏that i am irritated and mad with myself because again ‎... ‏i saw myself on them.

‏There are moments that i get tired of myself but on those moments, ‏God's grace and mercy shine all the more.
‏i might be tired of being a human but the One who created me, ‏never; ‏will never.

‏At some point in our lives, ‏we are like the Israelites. ‏The good news is the God who revealed Himself to them by showing compassion and forgiveness is the same God who is with us now ‎— ‏saving and delivering us from this broken world full of sins. ‏Our eyes are open to the effect of sins nowadays; ‏how it affects our lives and others'. . ‏Yet there's One telling us to ‎"look at the cross and be save from sin"

‏You see, ‏regardless of what Israelites did and how they responded, ‏God's love and forgiveness were still given to them. ‏And here i am testifying as someone who is drowning not in emptiness or sin but in God's grace and mercy.


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