

The sad days of our lives... ( part 2)
Do not tell me what great of a job you have ...
Tell me how many times you tried and failed.
Tell me about that time you gave up on everything...
Tell me you were hanging on a thin thread, that your dreams failed you.
what of that time you felt you were not good enough because no one ever believed in you?
Tell me you didn't even believe you had something , that you had a hard time coming up with your ideas and it took you so long.
Tell me how devastated, depressed and unmotivated you were.
Tell me you went for interviews a number of times.
Tell me they told you to your face that you were not good enough or that time they said you were good but not sure if you could be dedicated because of your status or situation.
Tell me, because then I will believe you...

© ogechukwu