

The Prologue of Legendary Joel Flickstein
Dear diary,

How d'ye, stranger. My name is Joel Flickstein. I am a film projectionist at 4-Star Theatre.

Today I found a journey in a loose floor board, but get this, its not just any sacred journal, its from a Supreme-Being who mentors me in prayer through automatic writings.

Weird yet cool. And I've also been a flicker jumping, man of letters kind of superhero for like two days.

But get this, what if I told you I hear voices and see people through a box, that is, movie screen and notepad.

You'd probably say I'm cuckoo, huh? And, although that might be true I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia at the age of 17, yet I have no problem telling you I am Schizofilmic because I'm outta my mind with movies but I left my mind for you to get inside my head to read; for if you do, you'll see a film.

Flicker is my brain on movies, it's my film medication that keeps me sane with the Gospill, as I thought I might put that in. Yet the best part about it is I get to see movies from a future time period of 2019, and it's the 1950s!

Not to mention I get to be a different kind of hero, saving people's butt through it by means of divine intuition and a message I mysteriously leave in their pocket.

Don't ask how, it came with the powers; a cross between Divine intuition, second sight, empathy, bi-location and a bit of traveling by the spirit you might say.

So what if I'm not the hero they can see who appears only in letters and movies, but at least I get to be like a guardian, or a guardian angel who makes divine intervention for people.

So on my lunch break and downtime between job duties and tasks I journal, yet that's when I get the intuition of seeing or hearing cries from people who yearn for help, and that can range from domestic violence; to crime; to desperate situations; to suicide attempts, including housecleaning and homework.

Apart from that I'm jumping into a movie scene as one of the characters to dialogue with the other for mentorship, and to talk to whenever I get lonely.

Other than that I'm just playing the background as your normal, humbled Motion Picture Projectionist who goes unseen.

Oh, shoot. I can hear the big cheese heading this direction to check on me. Gotta run! Until the next writing session, this is Joel, signing off.

Your flix jumping prison thrower upper pen-pusher of a superhero,


© Joel Peter Brown