

Add Positivity in life.
Ladies and gentlemen
Sometimes there are no stories but lessons can be learn from that too.

Sometimes we cannot undo Something's that may have gone wrong in our life, Some wrong decision's,Wrong choices,
Wrong investment,Wrong word's ! that we may have spoken can never be undone.
Not that we should not try.
We should definitely give our very best.
But after having done what we can ,When we cannot reverse things, to keep still trying is like attempting to remove lemon from water.
And I think that would be such a sheer waste of time. Instead, we should try to work on adding so many right things in our life that the wrong seems smaller then what it was earlier.
When problems seems to be helplessly beyond our control, rather then simply trying to remove them, let us add positivity in our life and change our experience.

© Feel_the_words