

C O L SO N (Part 10)
Chapter Ten: Back-up

January 22nd, 2015

I wake up, go to school, all of that crap. We weren't here for that, we needed to start as soon as possible. As soon as I got out of school I called up Trevor and told him to come over, it was time to get busy.

Me: "Yeah, we're starting this today. Think you can make it?

Trevor: "Yeah, I'll be there soon, hold on. Let me get ready for this whole thing. It might take super long for us to find him."

I nodded and got into my detective clothing, I would put my gun in one of my pockets, I haven't had to use it yet. Something tells me when we meet his father, we're going to have to be very careful.

Something I didn't expect though, was Megan coming over today. As soon as I put my hat on to finish the outfit, I had to take it off along with the trench coat. What was I going to do about my bruises? I shrugged it off, I'd just tell her it was from Tye. I opened the door and just as I had expected, she saw my bruises.

Megan: "Colson, what happened to you? Where did all of this come from?"

Me: "Oh, this? This is just from Tye and his lackeys-"

She told me to stop speaking before she started inspecting them. She backs away and shakes her head.

Megan: "Looks like you've been out again, haven't you? Your wounds have only worsened Colson."

I sighed.

Me: "Listen, I just had to okay-"

Megan: "No no, it's fine, I'm just angry that you didn't tell me you were going."

I took a deep breath before I had finished processing what she had said, what? Was she going to help out now?

Megan: "Since you're so foolish, I suppose I have no choice. Let's go."

She brushed past me, I looked at Megan one last time before I decided to follow her.

Me: "Listen, Trevor should be on his way shortly. After he gets here, that's when we start."

She just sat down and gave me a cold stare for a few seconds before shaking her head. I could see why she was furious with me, but we really needed to finish this up soon. We don’t know what exactly could have happened to Maxine at this point. I sigh before calmly placing my hand on her shoulder, Megan surprisingly didn’t move and just stayed silent. I decided to keep my cool and tried to convince her to help me.

Me: I know you’re furious with me, but we really need to find her. I need your help, Megan. We don’t know what could have happened to her by now, What if she’s-”

She told me to be quiet and nodded, I hope she understood what I meant, but suddenly she got up and started walking towards the kitchen, she stopped at the counter and took a heavy breath before her eyes shifted towards me.

Megan: “Alright, when is he coming? It’’ll be soon, right?”

I then nodded, he was going to be here in about fifteen minutes. After that, we can start this whole thing, we were going to pay a visit to his father. He was going to pay, big time. We nodded towards each other before deciding to take our handguns with us. Something told me we were going to need them.

Megan: “Wait, who exactly are we killing here, Colson?”

It took me a moment to answer that question, I placed my hat on and took a heavy breath. Was this really necessary? Yes, it was. Who knows what he did to her? He could have done anything. Think about it. This guy was about to get what was coming for him this whole time, death.

Me: “Jon Gutenburg, he’s going down. Today or tomorrow, I’ll take the life of Jon Gutenburg.”

Megan stopped me in my tracks, it seemed as if she couldn’t believe what I was saying. I meant what I said, no take backs, at all. I was going to kill him. One way or another. I was getting revenge, no one was going to stop me.

Megan: “Don’t you realize who that person is? He is a dangerous person Colson. You won’t come back alive, you realize this don’t you?

I stood there for a moment, nothing came out of my mouth. I didn’t even move, didn’t she know that I meant what I had said?

Me: “As long as I’m the one who kills him, I could care less about what happens to me.”

All of a sudden, Megan’s grip got tighter on me. She just spun me around to face her, I was confused at first, but that didn’t last long. She raised her hand and slapped me. It actually hit pretty hard, causing me to stumble back a little bit. She wasn’t kidding, she was strong enough to beat the crap out of someone if it was needed. Looks like I needed something to wake me up, though. After that slap I came to my senses. I sighed and regained my composure.

Or not, I didn’t really say anything after receiving said slap, I just picked up my hat and walked out of the room, I needed time to myself. To be honest, I wasn’t really thinking at that point in time. I sat on my couch and took my hat off, I placed it over my face and laid down, but I heard a knock on the door, he was here. I got up and opened the door, I let Trevor in.

Me: “Time to start this thing, Megan is sitting in my room right now.”

Trevor: “Right, we need to start now if we want to find your buddy.”

The urgency I heard in his voice, it worried me greatly. I placed a hand on his shoulder and stopped him.

Me: “Why is that? Why do we need to hurry?”

He sighs and gently removes my hand. Something was wrong, I just knew from how he said literally nothing.

Trevor: “Your friend may be in even more trouble than you think, kid. I would tell you more but I don’t want to make this whole thing even worse for you.”

I just nodded, we didn’t really have time to talk. We needed to start, now. What were we going to do? The police are having a hard time finding him, how were we going to do this? I shook my head and just decided to sit down.

Me: “Hey, I need you all at this table, we can discuss this here.”

They both sat down at the table, I couldn’t believe that all of this had happened without even a week passing, all of this insanity, this whole thing.

Me: “Trevor, how are we going to do this exactly?”

Megan would nod, Trevor would have to know something for this to even work. Otherwise this was all for nothing, it would have been pointless. All of our work, all for nothing. There had to be something, right?

Megan: “Trevor, I’m sorry, I know it’s stressful but we really need you to remember something for us.”

Trevor wouldn’t really say anything, We hated to put so much on him but this whole thing depended on what he remembered. Me and Megan would wait silently for an answer.

Trevor: “Give me a moment, I need some time to think. I may get something, just give me silence for a minute.”

I nodded towards Megan, we both got up and patted Trevor on the back before going into the room. We knew it was hard for him too, having known that his father was a bad man and being forced to say nothing about it. He didn’t want to do this. We both took heavy breaths before looking at each other. Megan got up first, and then I followed.

Megan: “Hey, if something happens to us, I just wanted to say something.”

I hugged her, I don’t know why, but I did. It felt like it was supposed to happen.

Me: “I know, don’t worry. We’ll be fine, I’m sure of it.”

She shook her head, she then hugged me back, it genuinely was a nice moment. Something good to end on just in case, these were our last moments alive.

Megan: “You don’t know that for sure, do you?”

I took a moment before answering, I shook my head and took a heavy breath.

Me: “No, I really don’t know. I want to take this time to say something.”

We stopped hugging, she then frowned. I hadn’t been a good friend to her at all, if anything. I was a huge dunce to her. I take her hand.

Me: “I’m sorry, I know I haven’t been the best to you recently. I wanted to take some time to apologize to you, I was being so rude and I just wanted to let you know I never meant any of that.”

She smiles and nods, I let go of her hand and we hug one more time. We smiled towards each other before going back to Trevor. Who had hopefully thought of something by now. We sat down, he looked like he was ready to say something.

Trevor: “I may have remembered something, when I was taking some kids to him. I had to go to some kind of desert. It had taken what, about a few hours to drive there? It was the hottest desert I had been to by far.”

I got up and walked over to Trevor, there had to be something else that he could remember right? Right?

Me: “Anything else? Please tell me there’s something else.”

Trevor nods, and a whole minute of explaining later we’re outside. If we were going to do this, we needed back up. Serious back up. We decided to try and convince some of the police department to help us out. We couldn’t go with the three of us, Trevor had informed us that his father had men who were protecting him. Of course.

There was no time, but it was hard to convince them. After about two hours, they finally listened. We thanked them, and just like that, we had about twelve officers ready to back us up. Me, Trevor, and Megan got in the red station wagon, the officers got into three cars and we were off.

January 23rd, 2:00 AM

Who knew we would make it this far? Honestly, it was scary now that we were here. It was time to finally finish this, once and for all. All of a sudden, the weather started to get chaotic, it started pouring rain. There were flashes of lightning every few minutes or so, a major storm was brewing up. I could feel it, I figured that it was just one of those days, though. A storm is coming, so what? I leaned further into the seat, this was quite a bumpy ride. Trevor would start cursing, probably because of the weather.

Trevor: “What is up with this storm? Where’d it even come from?”

His windshields were getting pounded by rain drops, he’d have to use the windshield wipers every now and then. It was getting worse the farther we were going. The lightning started striking everywhere, mainly behind us, again, it was just one of those days right? I was starting to doubt going here, the weather was just being freaky right now.

Me: “I don’t know, but it’s making me kind of freaked out. It just kind of started.”

He nods and continues driving, should we really be doing this? Was this the best idea? No, I needed to,I just didn’t like sitting back and doing nothing. I wanted to help her.

I looked back, the thunder was still going strong, it was still striking behind all of the police cars, I took a deep breath and sat back, hat over my face. Megan would notice this and would try and calm me down. Was this really a good idea, audience? I don’t even know anymore.

We were close, we had been driving around for about six hours now. Trevor was asking us if we were sure if we wanted to go here. Me and Megan would look at each other for a minute before nodding. We were ready for this.

Me: "Yeah, we're ready. We'll do it."

Trevor starts paying attention to the desert, he shakes his head before glancing at us again.

Trevor: "You know, you can just let the authorities handle this, you don't need to go here."

Me & Megan: "We're ready to do this, Trevor."

He nods and starts to pay attention to his driving again, we were ready. For sure. This was going to be tough, though, Trevor's father wouldn't be easy to take on.

Trevor: "Listen, are you sure of this?"

Me & Megan: "Yes Trevor, we're ready to take on your father."

Trevor: "Well alright, you two have obviously made up your mind. I won't try and change it."

We both nod, I could feel that we were close. All of a sudden, the storm just stopped. The lightning stopped, the rain stopped, just everything stopped. Trevor gave us a heads-up, we should be there soon. I take a look back at all of the cop cars behind us. I suppose we were all tense, because not another word was said for the remainder of the ride.

© C O L S O N