

Those days
I try to remember my childhood days often. Those days when mother used to cook those delicious savouries; when me and my brother had several reasons to talk; when my father's scoldings hurt me the most; when my grandparents gifted me the doll I wished for; when I only had to sit a day long figuring my future; when I gazed at those paddy fields singing about them; when Rama auntie told me those long-forgotten stories; when I pictured myself to be the embodiment of beauty; when my mother always ran upto me to console; when I held my father's hands and walked among those pathways; when we celebrated every festivals and yes those dress codes we followed; when my birthdays were inviting happiness; when I used to blush for no reasons; when darkness was not a matter of concern; when people caught me humming songs; when Rizwan bhai's sweets blessed my tummy; when my teacher was happy as I improved my grades; when my adolescent thoughts mused me; when my first poem was appreciated; when we watched every Shahrukh movies on theatres; when my bestfriend's wedding made me cry; when I was stuck by the cupid for the first time; when all the things that made me happy once existed; those days.
But today it's all different neither I could sit idle nor could humbly be alone and sing for those paddy fields; neither is my mother here to tamper me nor my father; neither did the dreams come true nor did the cupids; neither did the once existed days return back as I couldn't find those pathways where I walked before. Every moments that I had cherished before were only memories today, "beautiful memories." Every day every moment I wish for a return. A return to my past days; where I could re-live all those hours once more. Once more with my family, friends. Thinking about my past I enter on my own reverie. I believe that by remembering our past we re-member our future and also to fuel our present we need memories and to use them to gain back those special days...

- @thepoetharri©️

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