

I know this is one among of the hardest statement to understand for most of us.This is because God hid from us one thing of which nobody knows what will happen that's THE ABILITY TO SEE THE FUTURE.Only if we were able to see the future we would have spent every moment of ours wisely and that is the other reason why.We we're not given ability to control TIME.So that through the MISTAKES and REGRETS we go through we would be able to learn and change our characters and personalities.Though it's really hard for most of us to pick up courage to stand again after certain failures that's because we lack one thing.The power to convince ourselves that what we did was a mistake and accept the critisism.There after relax creating peace of the mind and soul then pick up courage to stand up again.There is a saying that's states"stumbling and falling is not a mistake the mistake is to keep on sitting"So pull yourself together and rise again coz there is nothing hard to do as trying to control your thoughts and body desires.Anyway that's all for today