

Echos of the Past
I'm looking towards the magic in life and looking inward to my own inner compass. With the full moon approaching on the 10th, it's the perfect time to make choices, decisions and receiving universal guidance to steer us towards the direction of our destined path. Just like the movie The Wizard of Oz, just follow that yellow brick road.

Last year turned out to be the catalyst to remove the thin veil to my distorted reality I called life. I came to realize our own negative thoughts create self fulfilling prophesies into our life. It brought mental clarity to the surface that was hidden in the dark. The root issue of many of our problems is our mind. Granted acquaintances and family dynamics may have received their pleasure by emotional manipulations by using your energy, dont allow the strong intimidation factors.

Force yourself to look at both sides of the coin. We have all worn false masks at one point in our life. Its when the mask never gets removed that prohibits us from seeing the other side of ones intentions. Thru all my life's dark memories came the hidden blessing of the spiritual realm. I am a new version of the person I once was. The first thing I tackled was my victim mentality. The victim consciousness and my inner knowing to change my perception, proved that I only had some bad days not a bad life.

When someone's truth slips out the back door, just temper your energy and meditate the inner pain away. Never allow some ones ego, lack of equality, and distorted innocence compromise or change the way you interact. If you have to question ones sincerity and lack of vulnerability for their disrespect, then limiting your exposure to that person is a necessity. The reflection of ones character doesn't define who you are but let it control your loyalty to the issue.

Stop blaming others and take responsibility for what you're creating with your thoughts, they are harmful even to yourself. Be kind and gentle to others, even if they aren't a favorable individual. Vibe high because the power of self control leads to ones self. I may be different than the next, but thru all of my journeys in this life, I truly learned the key to healing.

With any situation you face, look at it this way. The situations served their purpose by seeing the situation for what it is. Balance yourself by temperancing your energy and go inward and feel the pain, learn from the pain then release the pain. Love yourself, your self worth and your mental mentality is your foundation in this life. Release the past, let go and let God.

Much Love, Namaste.