

Painting Your Life
When we think back on our first experiences, we recall how they were not what we expected and did not provide us with the satisfaction we desired. There was always a question WHY me?
Then I realized everyone feels Why Me?.
Life begins with Whom we are born to
With Whom we are brought up with, the people we meet throughout the journey, the experiences we had with those relations, what we inherited from the older generation, How they understood life and passed on to us, How they struggled to survive and thrived to Prove their existence and worth. Knowing or unknowingling we are emotional creatures. The first emotion is How we feel. People make you feel happy, joyful and loved sometimes, may judge you, confuse you, expect from you, appreciate you, make you feel worthy or useless, may abuse you and hurt you and may hate you for some reason. At this point in life we should understand that our Life's driving fuel is How we are made to feel. It's easy to say we have to control our emotions and be calm in midst of storm, but surely we end up painting the picture of our life with the emotional colors that influence us before we even could realize it. People say you are responsible for your Life. I believe we are the product of the Evil and Good experiences of our Life, from the people who enter into our lives and leave an impact on us from when you are a child to adulthood. Every turn we take depends on these experiences, for good or bad. But there is Someone who is Perfect is still trying to make peace, to heal. So let's not lose hope and have faith in our origin. Dont blame yourself to be guilty. We are still beautiful in His eyes, just try to be Sensitive always.
© raji:)