

Magic Wizards Ep 4: Drama Rama (Part 4)

Today's Read: Filled with more disagreeing and unsolved issues. Along with more Unexpected Visits and more Secret encounters. Is the truth about Quincy about to come out? If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 4: Drama Rama

Quincy was in one of his classes. It was still twards the begining of the day and he already wanted it to be over. While doing his work he received a text. It came from a group chat that he, Rege and Rj were in. He was still trying his best to get them to understand one another and come to a conclusion, messaging them both in the chat.

Text:What the hell do you want?_Rege.

Another came from Rj.

Text:Im still mad, why?_Rj.

Quincy thought about what to say next and instead just watched to see what would happen.

Text:I'll leave you alone then. Stay silent._Rege.

Rj sees the text and starts typing but stops and leaves it on read. Quincy sighs putting his phone away

"Still arguing?" Rascals asked.

"Not really arguing but barely talking." he said back to Rascals

"Wouldn't it be much easier to just use magic and make them 'like' each other?" he said to himself.

He thought for a minute then made a point.

"But it'd also be wrong."

"Yes it would be rude Rascals." Quincy answered.

He went back to work.

At Quincy's house Stewart was alone again as usual. Reading a newspaper until he heard a knock on the door. He looked through the window to see Mr.Jenkins. He was relieved it wasn't Nancy. But still, suprised to see that it was Mr.Jenkins He quickly hurried to open the door.

"Mr. Jenkins? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, just here to give u this."

He smiled and handed Stewart a flash drive.

"What's this?" he asked confused.

"There's a video on it i want you to watch. I worked hard to get it. Watch it, and i think you'll understand." He smirked.

"Um ok?"

Mr. Jenkins walked away as Stewart watched him wondering what the video was on the flash drive.

Finally, the class Quincy was in was over. He was suppose to go to his next class but instead went to his locker. The late bell had rung. And he was getting out his books for his next class. As he shuts it he heard a noise coming down the next hallway. He looked confused. He didnt want anything weird to happen while he was in school so he quickly grabbed his book and hurried off.

When he came to a clear , the noise got closer. But how?! And whatever it was, was down the hallway of his next class.

"You'll be alright." Rascals said.

"Rascals, I hope so."

He took a deep breath and peeked at what was down there. Sheila was walking past the hallway of Quincy's classroom. She looked like she was being sneaky. And she was. Looking around to make sure no one was watching. And just when she was sure of herself, she let Wizard B go inside the girls bathroom, and followed inside. Quincy and Rascals could not believe their eyes.

"OMG..." they both said. 😮 (To be continued...)

#Mystery #Thriller #Suspense #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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