

when it's gone it's gone
Just as the post says anything that I have mostly was left here by you know my family at one point in time or something along those lines maybe somebody else along the way but I myself didn't buy any of it nor would I buy most of it my stepfather works as a mechanic so he gets free samples of various cars things and after he moved out with my mom they left a bunch of that here for me but when it's gone it's gone I can't replace it I don't have any money coming in I could say the same thing about anything else that comes up missing in my house I don't have the money to replace any of it same thing with any of the comic books or anything I got like that I usually find them in the Bargain Bin at 50 cents a pop if I'm lucky or I have to trade some video games or something for them but I myself haven't made any money in the last 10 years really maybe just enough to scrape by it best I do mean scrape bye the fact that somebody claimed my software and my unlock key is ridiculous it took me 20 years to be able to afford that software because I lived that Slim as far as money is concerned honestly at the moment I probably don't have the money to pay the taxes on the house if I were to have it signed over to me which is part of the reason why I had it signed over to my mother house is mine was I sign it all over because I'm kind of irresponsible and I was expecting it you know somewhere along the way somebody would try to do exactly what they did and that's Griff me out of half of my life it's a good thing I don't own anything where's my files and all of my years and years were the work well it's all you're ever going to get when I leave here you won't even get another supply of art to help fund your f****** whatever it is you have it'll just be gone and me I don't have to worry about it no matter where I go you know I'm an artist give me a piece of paper give me anything I'm good to go and I have an imagination so I imagine I'll probably just create myself more work create myself more life and you Mr Thief will get caught people realize that you're not the one doing the art that it wasn't your ideas that you're not writing the articles they'll come to realize it pretty quick when it all dries up and I'm still going I'm sure that they'll figure it out you don't imagine you thought that all the way through when you started stealing my s*** did you but it is what it is life's got to move on as do I just know that it's going to be hilarious when you fall flat on your face© X