

6th July 2024
Hey you are here !!!

Today I cried over my thoughts. But eventually I was obstructed by a post that says my Lord (Allah) is with me...............
and it was a long post ....when I was reading through it my mind triggered some more questions and to my surprise the very next lines were the exact answers to my questions I was going through in my head. You know your lord loves you. And I only find his love to be unconditional. He tests a lot. But I can't wait to see the fruit of my patience. I believe this world is sooooooo bias and when when I say bias I have plenty of things to say .....plenty of rulings which are too bias that it makes me so furious whenever I think about bias things occuring to me. But I believe that I will be rewarded for bearing it. May be something is waiting for me.
Night is getting darker today.....as it is raining cats and dogs here. This dusk and silence is so peaceful. I can't get rid of gazing at sky and thinking about life which I never lived till now.

Words leaves more impression than anything could, So I am writing....may be a day will come where my words will be remembered, felt , loved , could be cried upon, and give someone hope.