

The Two Giants....
These are the most powerful countries interms of their economic, military, social strengths. They don't want to compromise upon their ideologies, the intentions to evolve as a supreme power is making their relations hostile. By this time you might have got those countries in your mind. Yes, it is US and China.
USA blames china for not disclosing the spread of coronavirus priorly and origin of virus from Wuhan lab. Trump threatens china with sanctions if they wouldnot disclose it. China on the other hand doesn't care about these. It's intentions to expand its control over South-china sea, agression over India at LAC(Line of Actual Control) shows it's authoritative mindset. Chinese President remarks regarding strengthening of military and ready to face a war are increasing tensions in other countries.
America on the other hand is deeply hurt by the virus beacause of its death toll. It would take enormous time to get the things recovered. It would be very good if American President provides a valid proof disclosing Chinese intentional spread of virus. India can leverage this opportunity as a mediator between China and USA and reduce the tensions between them. This would change the tag line of India from neutral country within boundaries to decision maker beyond boundaries.....