

A game of truth or dare isn't the best way to reveal a secret but the question are daring me to spill the beans.
Josh and I have been friends for seven years now, all the way from high school. We've been through so much together, we share things with each other, no secret is our motto. A lot of people has assumed we were dating, friendship between a man and a woman as never been as close as ours.
Our parents are childhood friends so it made us even closer, although we didn't meet until my parent moved to Lagos and we became neighbors. We go to the same high school and college, share the same apartment in college and we share relationship jists.
Josh was a total playboy until he met his new girlfriend Stella, she is a great girl and that's why I'm hoping I won't have to do this in front of her or Josh. I know he'll be disappointed, we've never hid things from each other. If he found out I have such a big secret hidden from him, he'll be shocked and angry, I know.

"Cassey, it's your turn. Truth or dare" Steve, Josh's college friend asks.
We are all having fun at Steve's placeafter one week of successfully working at our new company with no hazzle, he's the rich kid among us. Yep, we are all out of college and finally working. Josh and I work in the same Company, while he's in accounting, I'm in sales.
"Dare" I pick this time, scared I'll be questioned on something I don't want to say. My previous answer to Stella's previous question already gained a suspicious look from Josh, I need to be more careful.
"Okay, I dare you to do the crazy moon dance with just your underwear" he dared. That's easy, the moon dance is something we came up with at our college matric day and we still do it till today.

"You just want to see Casey naked" Amy, my best friend in college commented, she is the only one who knew about my secret

"Fine" I said while taking off my short Jean trousers and the crop Top.
Left with the lacy half pant I wore this morning and the black strapless bra, I did the Moon dance which in fact was embarrassing but I brush it off.
"There, happy now?" I laughed off my embarrassment and put my cloth back on, shielding myself from the night cold.
"Yea.. I still prefer Amy's body though" he said with a wink at Amy who blushed beet red. Yep, she has a big crush on him.

The game went round and round until its my turn again, this time it's Catherine, Stella's friend who has to ask. I felt my heart thump in fear, somehow, I know I won't be escaping this. If there's one thing I know about Cat it's that she's super protective of Stella.

"Truth or Dare Cassey" she asks like the voice in a hunted house. She's totally out to get me
"Dare" I choose again, but the Evil eyes on her tells me I won't be able to escape either way.
"Come on Cassey, you can't pick dare twice" Steve complained. I don't have time to pay attention to him, my heart is beating hysterically in my chest

"It's okay Steve, I'm ready for her. So Cassey, earlier, you said there was something you are hiding from Josh even though you don't keep things from each other. I dare you to tell us what?"
"Is that even suppose to be a dare?" Amy asked her with a glare
"Of course it is" she replies like the Evil bitch she is
I look to Josh and I can already see his jawline tightening in anger. I don't even care anymore, I'm tired of keeping the secret anyway
"Fine, I'll say it"
"Are you sure? You don't have to, you know" Amy defended
"I know, but I want to. I'm tired of keeping it anyway"
The fact that Josh hasn't said anything is scaring me even more, I can tell by his eyes that he's pissed"
"Josh... " I started, staring straight at him. His brow picked at the tone of my voice
"I'm in love with you" I finished in a breath.
Everywhere went silent for a while before a what? finally left Josh's mouth.
I want to slap the smg look on Amy away but I'm too nervous right now to do anything, Josh picked his girlfriend from the floor, left the room and I'm finally left with the rest of them

"You can stay with me tonight if it's too much for you"
"It's okay, the cat has been let out of the bag already, I might as well get it over with. Thanks though "
I left the place with Cat who didn't forget to rub salt on my wound, Steve promised to drive Amy home.
I got inside our shared apartment to see Josh seated with his head in his hands, no light on, just the illumination of the moon outside. He was waiting for me.

© Onomegift