

Blind people
once there was a thirsty crow.He flew here and there in search of water and in the last he found the water.But the blind people who have eyes will mever find that water and crow as well.
once upon a time there was a king who asked his advisor to give him a advise about his country.He said that your all country man are blind.kindly give them the eyes.King got worried.He said how it is possible that all country is full of blind people.The advisor said to the king,oo my King,jus sit in the way doing something and then see what will happen.King liked the advise and changed his getup as a labour and sat in the public way.the people were passing through.The king started pottery.the people passing through started sayin,o gentleman what are you doing,the king replied nome of them.till the evening everyone who passed near him asked him the same question,none of them said that oh wow whay kind of poettery you have done.Everyone asked the one question what are you doing although they were seeing what the man is doing.The main purpose of that advisor was that to make realise the King that his majesty doesnt have even common sense.
So this great advisor infact opend the eyes of the King